Welcome To Mission Midwives
Pregnancy is a time of preparation, planning, and getting to know yourself and your family in a whole new way. This can be an exciting process, and sometimes an overwhelming one. It is our hope that the families we work with have the support to really learn about their choices, make informed decisions, and have the opportunity to fully connect with their own experience giving birth.
Philosophy of care
We believe that maternity care should be centered around the birthing parent and their family. All families should have access to care that centers on their needs, choices and concerns for themselves and their babies. They have the right to access current, evidence-based information and research to make informed decisions throughout their care.
We believe that maternity care should be family-centered, however each family may be defined. Building strong connections with families improves collective health and strengthens our community in far-reaching ways.
We are committed to supporting birthing parents and their families so that they may have an experience that leaves them feeling empowered and safeguarded at the same time.
Is Midwifery right for you?
In BC, the birthing parent will generally choose a midwife or a family physician as their primary care provider during a low-risk pregnancy. Some OB/Gyns also provide primary care. There are some similarities and some differences in the models of care practiced between these care providers, but all services are fully covered by MSP. Whichever model you choose, if complications arise and you require the services of a specialist (for example, an obstetrician, pediatrician, or lactation consultant) these referrals are made through your midwife or doctor.
If you have further questions about whether midwifery care is right for you, we offer the opportunity to speak with the midwife for an initial consultation in order to discuss your care preferences and plans for this pregnancy and birth. We will share information about the BC midwifery model of care, and our scope of practice. You are then free to decide which type of care best suits your needs.

Our Practice
Our care team currently consists of one midwife who provides weekly clinic days, 24/7 on-call coverage (within a larger community based team), and home-based visits during the early postpartum period. We have another midwife starting in September who will help with clinic and postpartum visits. The midwife temporarily operates within a shared on-call system with the care providers at the Fraser Birth Collaborative practice.
Routine clinic appointments focus on the physical and emotional aspects of pregnancy, preparations for birth, and options to consider during your pregnancy and beyond. We routinely monitor you and your growing baby’s physical progression and wellbeing. Throughout your care, you will have access to all routine laboratory testing, genetic screening and ultrasounds as outlined by Perinatal Services of BC.
When you go into labour, or if you have urgent concerns, you will be attended by one of our on-call team members from either Mission Midwives or FBC. The team also includes the wonderful RNs at Abbotsford Regional Hospital. We are all extremely committed to providing respectful and safe care, where you feel listened to and supported. The midwives maintain active privileges at Abbotsford Regional Hospital which has an outstanding single-room maternity care facility.
During the early hours post-delivery, our focus is preserving a healthy, bonded transition for you and your baby, and on assisting the initiation of breastfeeding if you choose.
Following your birth, our early postpartum care includes home visits during the first week, followed by scheduled clinic visits thereafter until 6 weeks. During this time, we provide all routine primary care for both you and your newborn. After 6 weeks, we discharge your care back to your family physician, and ensure you have access to community resources and Public Health for continued follow-up.
We have excellent referral relationships with obstetricians, pediatricians and family physicians in our community. Indications may arise during your care that require consultation with another care provider. At times, due to developing health concerns, care will be shared or transferred to an OB/Gyn. Should this occur, the midwives remain involved in your care in a supportive role.
At this time, due to working in a community-based on-call team, we are not currently offering home birth. There are other practices in the area who do offer home birth in Mission and we are happy to point you in the direction of these amazing midwives if you would like to pursue a home birth.
Mission Midwifery is a teaching practice. To support the future of midwifery in B.C. and to improve access to care for more women, our practice welcomes students from the UBC midwifery program during their clinical preceptorships. Our clients can invite assigned students to participate in their office visits, home visits and birth care.